Monday, March 28, 2011


In learning about the importance of color, i learned that color can really change the way a picture is portrayed.  I found it interesting that in the first article it talks about the many different color wheels, and how we perceive these colors to help make a picture stand out.  The color tree really caught my attention and i thought it was cool how all those colors could come together to make a tree.  Also the points of trajectory of light is interesting to understand that these points make that much different in color.
In the second article I learned a lot about how to edit the color and adjust the settings to make the pictures color more vibrant or dull.  By adjusting the hue, saturation and lightness you can really alter the pictures color and change its overall outcome.  I tend to always play around with these settings with my pictures to get the color i want for them.  It was also interesting how he lumped two colors together and said that they basically need each other.
In the third article I really enjoyed looking at the different pictures and recognizing the differences between the ways the colors were use.  It was interesting that by selecting different colors to stand out how it really alters the outcome of the photo.  I like how you can choose a certain color from the photo and it makes all of that same color stand out, this makes for really vibrant and beautiful colors.  All the tools that photographers use for landscape photography are really interesting to me, and i think its cool that they have all these aids to get the best photo as possible.
In article four I really enjoyed the picture of the rocks, those colors were amazing.  I just think its interesting that there is so much that goes into getting the best color out of pictures.  Like memorizing colors and just certain things you learn over time.  Over all I just think all the skills needed to take good pictures are amazing and important.

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